Friday, July 23, 2010

New Updates :D

Hello Guys -^^-
We had some cool updates :DDD
If you don´t believe me,look xD

What do u think??^^
I love them ♥ :D

Sunday, July 18, 2010 (:

Hello friends! (:
I just found out that there is a! It's really fun! There's more people too! But I like much better! The people on seem nicer. My name on is Milleyy.

Well.. bye! (:

~Millie (:

My New Blog (:

Hello everyone! (:
I am Millie! I am new to Chobots and this is my new Blog I made! Thanks to Fairy_x I made my blog! She welcomed me and helped me and told me everything I need to know! She explained what an Agent is and what a Moderator is aswell. One day I hope to be an Agent! (:

Thanks everyone! Byebye! (:
