What is a Chobots Moderator?

A Chobots Moderator is someone who Moderates what you're doing when you are playing the game. If you do something bad the Moderator will see you, and you will get a warning or you'll get your chat banned for up to a pretty long time, even hours! Depends how bad it is. Also Moderators have Red chat so you know it is them. Also they have a Badge when you open up their playercard that says Moderator. Moderators also have the power to rain free clothes. What is meant by this is the Moderators pick items do be rained in a list then they rain it. The items will then go down your screen and you can click them, then you can wear them, well unless the're citizen clothes. Also, Moderators can use magic on you. What that means is that they can change the way the background and screen looks by changing the colors of the background and what look you're Chobot is wearing. It is very cool!

I hope this helped! Bye! (:

~Millie (: